Explaining What is a Carry in Basketball: Complete Guide

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Last Updated on 9 months by Evan L. Sterling

New and seasoned basketball players need to grasp the game’s rules fully. One essential rule is understanding what a carry in basketball involves. So, what is a carry in basketball? Let’s dive in.

Starting Off: What is a Carry in Basketball?

First and foremost, let’s clarify: A carry, or “palming,” occurs when a player interrupts their dribble, allowing the ball to rest in one hand. This action violates the rules, leading swiftly to a turnover.

The Rules, Plain and Simple

Next, the regulations stipulate that, while dribbling, a player’s hand must stay on top of the ball. When a player’s hand slides under the ball, we define it as a carry in basketball. So, if a player halts dribbling, holds the ball, and resumes dribbling, that’s a carry too.

How Referees Make the Call

As the game’s pace accelerates, spotting what is a carry in basketball becomes more challenging for referees. In these instances, the decision largely depends on the referee’s perspective and understanding of what carrying in basketball entails.

The Consequences of Carrying

When a referee detects a carry, they blow the whistle without delay. What follows is a turnover, and the opposing team gains possession. Players aim to sidestep this, underscoring the need to comprehend a basketball carry.

Clearing Up Confusion: Common Moves

What is a carry in basketball
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Crossover Dribble:

For example, executing a crossover dribble, akin to legends like Allen Iverson, demands precise control. Players must ensure their hand remains above the ball to bypass a carrying call in this move.

Hesitation Move:

Similarly, a hesitation move, while strategic, can resemble a carry if executed improperly. Here, players must maintain the ball’s movement fluidly and in control.

Shot Fakes:

Likewise, when players use shot fakes to outwit opponents, they must sustain proper hand position to steer clear of what constitutes a carry in basketball.

Wrapping Up: The Art of Dribbling

In summary, grasping what a carry in basketball is and how to avoid it remains critical for aspiring players. This knowledge is fundamental for effective play and minimizing turnovers.

Elevate Your Game Even Further!

Now, with a robust understanding of what a carry in basketball is, why not elevate your gear?

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  2. Eager for deeper basketball insights? Peruse this recommended read on Amazon.

Happy Hooping! 🏆🌟

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Lastly, to clear up frequent inquiries about what a carry in basketball is:

Q: How can players dribble without carrying?
A: Practice remains pivotal. Strive to keep the hand over the ball, never allowing it underneath during dribbling.

Q: Does high dribbling equal carrying?
A: No, not at all. The issue is the player’s hand position relative to the ball, not the height of the dribble.

Q: Is striking the basketball with a closed fist allowed?
A: Absolutely not. Punching the ball results in a loss of possession, emphasizing again the importance of understanding what is a carry in basketball.

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